Women's Work
Tap into your intuitive intelligence and follow your heart. ​
Rev Jessica Sharp has developed the Women's Heart-Centered Somatic Journal and Women's Heart-Centered Circles to support a daily practice for dropping 'out of your head,' into your body, listening to your intuitive and heart-based intelligence, and orienting to it for the day.
The Journal can be done on its own. You can do it with a friend! Ready to dive deeper with support from some friends? Join an upcoming circle. Guidance on how to fill out the journal below.
​Women's Heart-Centered Somatic Journal
The 30-day journal (zine style) is currently available by donation.
$20 donation for 1 Journal (30 Days); or
$35 donation for 3 Journals (30 Days each)
(for 90 days - the ideal length for max benefit)
*Donation fee includes shipping and handling
Form to get the Journal by donation:
Open to Testing it Out?
Try a Prototype for 2 weeks! Offering in exchange for feedback.
Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/JGBF4c6W3oMht4Qo8
Women's Heart-Centered Circles
Most women find it most helpful to be with a group of women - in a women's circle - to launch into a new practice, especially around shifting patterns of the mind/heart relationship.
It's fun and wonderful to witness and be witnessed in your journey of following your heart. Join a circle to embark on this journey together.
Benefits of a group:
- Easeful accountability
- Fun sharing
- Joyous witnessing
- Documentation of your journey
- Helpful reflections
- Healing by way of group healing
Rev Jessica launched circles in order to support women with this daily practice and tap into its full potential with an awesome group of people. By sharing our practices together, we solidify what we are learning, and hold ourselves, and each other accountable, while learning and growing.
What's involved with a Circle?
A circle last 40-90 days. The goal is to have a supportive group while you engage with and benefit from the practice.
- Daily Commitment: 15-30 minutes
- Journaling 10-20 minutes; Sharing/accountability 5-10 mins in WhatsApp group
- WhatsApp group for Sharing and Accountability
- Daily posting of a 1 minute share of one piece of information from the journal
(for example: "Today my heart was telling me to relax and enjoy the ride.")
- Daily "Good Morning" text reminders
- Includes journals mailed to you
- Optional Full Moon / New Moon Fire Ceremonies
- Donation: $111-444
Lunar New Year Launch!
January 29th, 2025 - March 10, 2025 [40 days]
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/8VNAXU3Uh5GAkS6L7​
Women's Month
March 2nd, 2025 - April 11, 2025
Sign up: (coming soon)